Later this Month...
Forget about how San'ur Crush has hardly started nor been regularly updated, and that it can't possibly be time to wrap up things on Wyle already.
Focus, instead, on a miserable wolf named Rhune, living in a world that was a story first: when creatures are doomed, the sun sets on fast-forward so that the planet Hearwynn can hurry up and tell all about the spectacular, bloody mess.
So then, what happens when the savage story-planet suddenly becomes obsessed with you?
Rhune doesn't know who's in charge. He doesn't care. But he will find the sick sonofadog-bitch who first set down to write his story, and then didn't bother finishing.
Carnivory: The Art of Eating One's Self will be based on something I've pur-blished before on the interwebs, some time ago.
So then, of course, I will be finishing San'ur Crush... Look for an update on Wednesday!
An update: Carnivory will be coming along just as soon as Emperor San'ur Crush finishes. In the meantime, feel free to ignore that San'ur Crush was once a Christmas-themed story... four months ago.