As I prepare my first novel
manuscript, Randitty is where I feature many shorter fiction stories.
Care to meet them?
- Aisha: The Celestial War*
- Mi’Raah
- Yet Another Day with Odeon, in two parts:
(The everyday goes wonderfully
- Carnivory: The Art of Eating One's Self*
- Jaw Break Blue*
- Animals
- She’s a Mean Old H4 Bus*
- A Snowball Fight
- Her Hand, in two parts:
(Three random words from the
dictionary become silly, MacGyver’d short stories)
- Ninja Cows – cow, tree, pipe
- Appalachian Moonshine Ladies – sacristy, field hand, touching
- Reindeer Intervention – cigarette, fungus, quadruped
- Randiddle Generator – refrain, hackneyed, terminate
- Bird Twitter – Greater Rhea, Dipper, Kauai O-o
- Pachacamac, of Fertility and Death – Olmsted, feather headdress of a coastal Incan fertility and death god, M.G.H.
(I photoshop some stuff… then write
stories about it)
- May the Asses of Unicorns Guide You Always
- Be Good, Be Food
- Paperclip Safari, the series:
- Paperclip Wisdom
- The Mighty Silverback Paperclip
- The Stripey Link Clan
- The Origin of Office Supplies Species
- Paperclip Savers are Environmentalists
- The Blackest Friday
Please remember to spay, then neuter
your paperclips!
- Get inspired by Daft Punk and Rolling Stone
- Eddie Murphy writes in prison (a mockumentary)
- Creative Writing is Silly, Smart, Sexy
- Your 90s dreams can come true: Cassandra Claire and the Very Secret Diaries
- Captain Huggyface
- I go writer-crazy and make a Spore creature that looks like a popcorn
- More inspiration is coming: The tale of Liam Kyle Sullivan
- Unfreak Yourself Out: How to work backwards and fix what’s wrong with your story, even if you’re not sure what the hell it may be, and you’ve been crying, and why doesn’t he call you back after that nice date, and… okay, so I can’t fix all that for you, but at least I can help with the writing thing?
- Random Skeevy Writing Contest versus NPR
- My Most Embarrassing Writer Moments Evar
* A star means that the story is still in progress.
And there’s so much wonderful
more-ness you can discover by clicking around this very spontaneous and
disorganized blog… Don’t worry, I’m just a stranger on the internet. Why would
I lie to you?