Thursday, May 20, 2010

Randiddle, 4

by J. Ingram

Thursday's Randiddle: refrain, hackneyed, terminate
(sadly, finger did not land on The Terminator)

Actually, I don't make the daily Randiddles up at all.  I use a highly sophisticated computer program.  Here's a screenshot for today's:

And here is the amazing result:

"If you can refrain from pity computer, send halp immedyatly.  No haz fast connection and Windows ME on Compaq system killing me. 

Flamingo fighter pilots.  Author use hackneyed senz of humo , sad portmanteaus and no spellchek.  Ben's Chili Bowl.  Suddenly, I also made to write:  Blitzen was saved by the bell. 

Terminate me.  Terminate me. 

Terminaaaaaaaaaaaaate... Meeeeeeeeeeeee."

So, to all of you who once thought learning Atari BASIC in middle school and so many years of English classes would get you nowhere--YOU WERE RIGHT.

Dear Webster's World Pocket Dictionary, you are no longer my friend.  Thanks for reading another story involving three little random words.  We'll have another on Monday, with another zany chapter of Animals due tomorrow.  Feel free to send in/comment submissions.  'Cause wreaking havoc over the internets is funzorz.

(Randitty-O-Meter:  5, Someday, Jepetto, I hope to be a real meter!)

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So nice of you to get Randitty today. Hope your read was a good one!