by J. Ingram
Monday's Randiddle: Greater Rhea, Dipper, Kauai O-o
Three random animals brought to you by the MacMillian Illustrated Animal Encyclopedia.
Did you know that, in nature, birds use tweets to establish territory, keep track of one another and share other obnoxious bits of non-information? In true Twitter style--scroll down, and start reading at the bottom-- to enjoy mother nature's original tweets:

Now that, was fun. And if you enjoyed procrastinating with birds, this looks like even more fun!
More Randiddles Tomorrow (let's hope we don't get more birds)!
(Randitty-O-Meter: 6, Considering birds are always the most original, when it comes to tweeting.)
Hrm, pretty sure there'll be a re-post before day's end with larger tweet-text.