Saturday, October 5, 2013

Coming up in October…

Beyond the paperclip safaris, talking archbishop unicorns, bisexual dragons and, sea priestesses proselytizing Maury Povich-style, I have a lot of other projects in the wings.

If you’re curious about my steam punk stories, the soap opera I created for my pet fish and exactly when -the book- “She’s A Mean Old H4 Bus” is coming out this Fall, then you should definitely sign up for mynewsletter. To sign up, send an email to me at random DOT witty AT and I'll put you on the email-list. The first issue (which will include a sneaky little peak at my steam punk mystery story) will be ready in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, please do look forward to the conclusion of Freddy Gonzales’ adventure through Amazonia, and more… more… more...


Eyup, being geeky is totally fun. Aren’t you glad we took over the world, finally?

The Guild

And, speaking of awesome geeks, have you guys heard about The Guild, yet? I'm usually late on trends (I think they've wrapped up the series?), but this was one of my favorite thingies on YouTube when they first started filming. Later this week, I am totally going to give you a thorough review of this entire awesome webseries about MMO gamers who run into all kinds of cray-cray drama when they decide to hang out in real life. If you want to laugh non-stop for a few hours this weekend, then it's definitely time to start watching "real world: gamers" with Felicia Day... you "don't want to miss all the hilarious references."

Shin Chan references are everywhere on this blog. Sigh...

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So nice of you to get Randitty today. Hope your read was a good one!