**I was upset, and I'm sorry. That wasn't fair of me. All the mean stuff was removed.
(Or, one of my novels)
Guess what? Figuring out that whole 'write-stories-based-on-washington-post-articles' thing got too complicated. I do have something ready. It is really creative and heartfelt and I somehow turned Romney's "fire people" quote into a tale of dragons coming to purgatoried DC... but it just isn't something I'm comfortable with posting yet. I had a conversation with a friend about this, and maybe getting that personal about life in DC is just too much work.
What I'm doing instead
Do you know what else my friend and I discussed? Actually, I've spoken with a couple people about this: I need a presence online as a young writer, I'm damned good at writing, and I have damned good stories already, that I'm afraid to share because I have 'big plans' for all of them...
But, then again, I'm too busy to do something new every single week when I'm already trying to finish my novel manuscript and managing other blogs too. Also, Anne Lamott wrote something about that first draft needing to be a shit-draft, and also the need to let your inner child loose if you're going to ever come up with something great (Lamott, Bird by Bird, 1994).
Also, I'm really f-ing pissed off right now because I'm so tired of romantic drama...
sapping my energy and making it so hard to update this damned blog over the last year. When I reach deep and touch my writing, I touch my spirit, and just like I'm not taking that crap anymore, I can't write like this anymore.
So, check out my next post, for more Damsel. You're going to get to read the whole thing. (Read as Homer Simpson: "I can't believe I ate the whooooole thing.")
More about Damsel
Damsel is not the novel manuscript I'm presently working on that I hope to "officially publish" and is about horses and is top secret and that I'm terrified Disney will try and steal from me one day. Damsel is something I began during a real rough patch in life that, by the grace of God I survived. And being able to pay tribute to the best things in life through writing Her definitely helped me to get through.
I don't ever want to forget how beautiful I am. My writing is one of my most beautiful thingies. Nobody else feel bad tonight, either, okay?
Okay! Let's get this bitch started.
Almost forgot... Here she is. Bone up on chapters 1-3 while I prepare the next installment. http://randitty.blogspot.com/2011/03/tie-me-to-tree.html