Chapter Twelve
It took a goodly while, but
when Micco was finally reassured that there was no blessed wine left, he
squeezed open eyes the bloodshot color of a Wintermass tapestry. Damascus had placed himself on the Angel’s
left, and kept nudging Eve, with his potbelly flank, as far right as he would
dare. As far right as he could
comfortably manage without looking meek.
The Angel King Micco swatted
aimlessly with his right hand, thus, at Eve’s shadow. Eve whimpered and cried so hard that Micco
thought himself successfully beating the woman at first, for as the gray streak
raised her arms to the top of the walls and cowered against the ceiling, Micco
swelled with wrath. And then a swat
down, and Eve’s shadow recoiled.
Damascus stamped a tiny hoof over her real foot to make it all stop.
“Oh! Eve, how are there two of you?”
“King Micco, I shall happily
point out the real Miss Evil, the Sorceress, the Tramp Tripe—”
“How dare you, you
phallus-headed, grimy old goat—”